Dear Frank,
I have many memories of growing up as a child of a military veteran. One of them was how my family coped with having enough food on the table to sustain us from one paycheck to the other. My father got paid at the beginning of the month. This meant the meat and potatoes at the beginning of the month dwindled down to dried beans at the end, thus feeding the ongoing cycle known as “feast or famine”.
I know my story is one shared by many, so as our nation prepares to celebrate her independence, we would do good to remember and reflect on the cost: the foundation of hard work, sacrifice, and the unified efforts of our forefathers and countrymen. Their vision for freedom became the reality that paved the way for generations. Yet, in the midst of gaining independence, our historical victories weren’t won without overcoming struggles, challenges and enemies at home and abroad. It is the same today… and yes, history has a way of repeating itself – and so it Is with hunger.
For a child, what would freedom from hunger look like? For the food insecure, how does victory come?
Any good soldier going into battle is familiar with the motto “no man left behind”. This is empathic action at the highest level, and it comes with a compassionate “boots on the ground” mentality.
With a “call to arms” against hunger, let’s put our “boots on the ground” and “leave (no child) or person behind”!
My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride
From ev’ry mountain side,
Let freedom ring.
Click on the donate button below and; “let freedom ring” out against hunger!