Douglas County Statistics
The average per person meal cost in Douglas County is about $3.10.
- Number of Food Insecure People in Douglas County: 13,950
- Food Insecurity Rate in Douglas County: 9.7%
- Estimated Program Eligibility Among Food Insecure People in Douglas County:
- 40% Above Other Nutrition Program threshold of 185% poverty
- 9% Between 130%-185% poverty
- 51% Below SNAP threshold of 130% poverty
About Our Mission
Fulton County Statistics
Average meal cost in Fulton County is about $3.82.
2019 Overall County Food Insecurity in Fulton County, Georgia
- Food Insecure People in Fulton – 116,910 People
- Food Insecurity Rate in Fulton – 11.3%
- Estimated Program Eligibility Among Food Insecure People in Fulton:
- 45% Above Other Nutrition Program threshold of 185% poverty
- 6% Between 130%-185% poverty
- 49% Below SNAP threshold of 130% poverty
Some Perspective Of How Many People The Pantry Has Fed
- Since 2008
- The Pantry as fed 331,914 people
- The Pantry has distributed 7,800,000 pounds of food
- Since January 8, 2022
- Children (0 – 17) in Assisted Households: 322
- Children (0 – 5) in Assisted Households: 57
- Adults (18 – 59) in Assisted Households: 881
- Seniors (60+) in Assisted Households: 404
- Other (unknown) in Assisted Households: 8
- Total Households Assisted: 834 households with a total of 1615 people
Overcoming the Pandemic:
- COVID-19 Pandemic Related Statistics from the ACFB.
- The ACFB has seen a 300% increase in inquiries from people seeking food assistance.
- Due to increased demand related to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACFB is distributing between 30% & 40% more food each week than in the same period one year ago.
- Mobile pantries: 4.1 million pounds of food was distributed via special COVID-19 mobile pantries.
- Since May, the ACFB has received 11.4 million lbs. of fresh food, including dairy, produce, and proteins, from the USDA’s Farm to ACFB program.
- Pre–COVID–19 Statics (per ACFB)
- People who are food insecure: 13% (1 in 8)
- People in the ACFB’s 29-county service area who are food insecure: 11% (1 in 9)
- Children who are food insecure: 16% (1 in 6)
- Children in the ACFB’s 29-county service area who are food insecure: 14% (1 in 7)
- Seniors (age 60 and older) who are food insecure: 8% (1 in 13)
- People who participate in SNAP: 15% (1 in7)